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Making Time to Workout After Kids

One thing I think all of the moms can agree on is that our bodies changed after we had babies. Trying to get our figures back post pregnancy is one of our major struggles and can be difficult. We have no time for ourselves and making exercise a priority can be a massive challenge. |

Photo Credit: pexels

I personally try to fit my workouts in while my two older boys are at school or after everyone has been tucked into bed. They both have major benefits, I mean while they're in school and I'm at home with the baby its easy to make a bottle and put him in the pack n play with a few toys, that gives me a good 30 minutes to myself. If he decides not to cooperate then getting a good workout after the kids go to bed is my go to, everyone is sleeping and there's little chance of being interrupted. I realize what works for me may not work for everyone. We all have different schedules and different lifestyles. Have no fear, there are a ton of alternatives. Try to get it in while they're napping or in school/daycare. Maybe you have a home gym or workout DVDs. There's a possibility you don't have either, but that doesn't mean you can't get a good sweat going. Allow yourself at least 20 minutes and get moving. If you need ideas for what exercises to do, Pinterest is amazing.

Workout with them. Kids love to be involved. Put on some music, dance with them. Do equipment-free moves with them. Again, Pinterest is amazing for this. Kid Care in Gyms. Whether you're going it alone or your partner wants in on the action, most gyms have this great thing called Kid Care. Take advantage. It may cost a couple extra dollars a month but someone else will watch your kid while you workout!

Grab the stroller. If all you have is one little one, grab the stroller and do some interval training. Walk. Sprint. Run. Baby gets to enjoy fresh air and you get some cardio in. Win-win.

Take the kids to the Park. If the weather is nice, going to the park is awesome. The playground is perfect for crunches, pull ups, step ups... If you don't want to look like a fool running around the jungle gym, there's always tag, catch bike rides... the list is endless.

Wake up early and get it out of the way. Now, this may be a stretch for some. I would literally rather stick a fork in my eye than wake up earlier to work out but it's always an option and the good thing about it? You get it out of the way and have the rest of the day without having to worry about it.

Trying to squeeze fitness into your already busy schedule is hard but it's easily doable and worth it! Make your health a priority.

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