Things You Can't Go Without
There are plenty of things in life that we have that make our lives easier and more comfortable, and help you to enjoy your life better. We have the bare necessities and we have the absolute necessities.
If you had to pick a few, it’s not that easy, so let’s break it down. Here are some the obvious things you need to physically survive; you need air, food, shelter, water and sleep. For emotional survival, we need our loved ones; friends, family and of course, our pets. Depending on where we live, some people would consider this a luxury instead of a necessity; electricity, air conditioning and plumbing. To buy things, you need money, and you would need a source of income that pays you so you can have the money to buy the stuff you need. The majority of the people now can’t live without their smartphones, iPads, TV, high-speed internet or Wi-Fi access. We all have things that keep us sane and functioning. We are all different and have different needs.
Let’s dig just a little deeper; what are the things you can’t go without; can you name at least 3? Whether it is a material item that is part of your daily routine that is basic and simple that helps you enjoy life, or something that helps you to survive that you consider major, what keeps You going and what are some things you can’t go without?
Besides the obvious things in my life, here are a few of things in my world that I can’t go without.
My Nephews/Godsons -
I could never imagine loving anything more. They always make me happy. When they hug me, it feels like the warmth of the most comfortable blanket you have ever felt. I feel pure love and happiness when I am with them. They are the beat of my heart.
- The sound of music always puts me in a great mood. Music makes me happy. It motivates me. Whether I am working out or getting ready in the morning for work when I hear some of my favorite songs it gets me moving. Everyone should have a soundtrack to their life.
Laughing –
Nothing is more nourishing for the soul than a good laugh. When I am laughing, it is like instant sunshine. It is the cure for everything. A laugh a day will help keep the tears away. I always say that any man that can make me laugh gets my heart. I want to laugh until the day I die.
My Passport –
If was I was not able to plan an escape to another city or country, I would never get a new perspective on life. I am always amazed what the world has to offer and what you see when you travel. I am planning my next escape.
Iced Coffee -
Summer or Winter, I will always get an iced coffee. The minute it hits my lips, I can taste the delicious flavor. It goes from my mouth to my brain, and I get the jump-start I need to get my day going.
Alcohol –
Whether it is a good glass of scotch, a cocktail or a cold beer, some of the time you just need to unwind and forget about your worries and enjoy. Time with the people you can enjoy with is priceless.
Concealer –
Let’s face it, ladies, we have all had late nights or on no sleep. When you want your eyes to look refreshed a good concealer is a girl’s best friend…enough said.