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The Benefits of Drinking Water

“And for you?” “A glass of ice water, no lemon.”

This has been my go-to drink order for years, wherever I travel. Nothing against lemons, I love the things. Just can’t stand them in my water. I’m one of few among my friends who like water just as it is. No additives, no extra flavor. But for a long time, that was not the case. As a child, I preferred milk. I’d down gallons of it every week. As I got older, coffee caught my heart. And then there was soda. I always had to have a root beer with my pizza. After a while, I gradually began the switch to water. Nowadays, I prefer to have a glass of water above any other beverage. Turns out, it has a killer amount of benefits.

Leads to better skin While there isn’t a lot of concrete evidence that water is the secret to smooth out those wrinkles around your eyes or the lingering hoard of acne, that doesn’t mean water isn’t good for your face. Like every other part of your body, your skin is made up of cells. And the way to keep these cells happy and healthy is to continually down a few glasses of water. Naturally, if we drink more, our body will function more seamlessly. Lack of water can lead to dry lips and flaky skin, so it’s not really that far of a leap to assume that more water can reduce those occurrences. Additionally, it’s best to apply a moisturizer after exiting the shower in order to trap the water within the skin for longer.

Increases alertness I’m sure my partner isn’t the only person who must have coffee within the first twenty minutes of waking up. Coffee is a deliciously addictive substance that wakes us up- to a point. It may seem laughable that water could actually wake us up more than coffee, but it’s true. Coffee may jolt us awake, but water causes alertness flow back into our system and increases memory and focus. And water’s effects actually last longer than coffee’s, making it a more suitable choice to counteract sleepy mornings or tiring afternoons. But if you must have your morning cup of Joe, you should definitely also have a glass of water before you start your day.

Reduces headache frequency While others may rush to pop some pills to ease the pain when they experience headaches, I’ve chosen to go a different route. I try to think back to see whether I’ve been drinking enough water and if the answer is “probably not”, then I change that. Water can easily solve your headache problem. One of the main causes of headaches is dehydration. Drinking water or even taking a hot shower can begin relieving you of any pain in the cranium STAT.

Decreases toxins It is an actual fact that water can successfully flush your system of toxins.They help your kidneys work better and promote healthy blood flow throughout your body. If you feel a cold coming on, and don’t feel like being bedridden for days, then grab a bottle of water. It’s your new best friend. Just be careful not to overdo it- because you can drink too much water. It’s not common, but it does happen. If you drink too much water, you’ll actually begin flushing out good chemicals.

Promotes weight loss According to a study published in early 2016, water has been proven to increase energy and decrease appetite for unhealthy foods. In this study, researchers from the University of Illinois examined data covering the eating (and drinking) habits of 18,311 adults. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey documented these subjects between 2005 and 2012. The subjects would record each of their meals over a period of two days, and then their findings in to be analyzed. The researchers were able to discover that the participants who drank the plainest water in their daily diet also notably consumed fewer total calories, drank fewer sweetened beverages, and took in less total fat, saturated fat, sugar, salt, and cholesterol. This can lead to healthier diets. The gentle increase of daily water absorption would cause less calorie intake. Essentially, drinking more water could lead to weight loss in a healthy manner.

I feel like I don’t need to elaborate on the most obvious benefit: hydration. Water is the easiest and least expensive beverage on the market to acquire. Even if you just have a glass near you at your workstation or keep a bottle on your nightstand, you’re already making it more convenient to stay healthy. Stay hydrated, my friends. That trend is never outdated.

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