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New Year, New Confident Self

“New Year, New Me!” OK- let’s be real for a minute; you know it’s not going to happen. Every year, we as women will make a list of things we want to change in the upcoming year. One of those things is almost always to “be a healthier version of myself.” But then something called life happens and we almost always stray off course. We’re only human, it happens!

I can’t think of any woman who wouldn’t want to change at least one thing about herself. Even the super model types like Chrissy Teigen and Heidi Klum find flaws they would love to change! I know what you’re thinking, “how can they POSSIBLY find any flaws?” Well, they do. Follow Chrissy on Instagram as she proudly shows off her stretch marks on her legs. That, my friends, is called confidence. Being confident is the sexiest thing any girl can be.

When a girl is confident, she can accomplish ANYTHING. You can walk into any room, office, store, and completely own it. I know what you’re thinking, “But Jessica, how can I find my inner confidence boost?” Well my new friends, I have come up with a few tips and tricks to start the New Year off as the same you, but a better, happier, sexier version.

  • Find a self-confidence role model:

For me, these two people would be Amy Schumer and my girl Chrissy Teigen. I think the two of them could rule the world if need be. They never EVER let anyone talk down to them, and you shouldn’t either. The way they handle themselves is something I can honestly say I look up too.

  • Be unique – it’s fun:

One thing I have realized in my old age is to never follow the crowd. I love to march to the beat of my own drum, and I encourage you to do the same.

  • Do Not Be Afraid to Ask Questions:

This is something else I have learned as I’ve grown; do not be afraid to ask questions in any scenario. Especially in the professional work place, women feel shy when they need to ask a question. More than not, your employer wants you to speak up and ask away!

  • It’s OK to Spend Time Alone:

I hear this one A LOT: “I hate spending time alone.” And my response usually is, “WHY!” Take this time to decompress from your day, meditate, and listen to your favorite songs. This is healthy for mind and body.

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