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Healthier Alternatives to Drinking Tap/Bottled Water

When you think of all the beverages available for you to drink: juice, milk, coffee, tea, soda, liquor, etc., would you ever think that there’s something healthier than drinking water? Do you drink tap water or bottled water? You would think water-is-water, and from either source, should be just as safe. What if I were to tell you that there is a healthier alternative that makes drinking water—even more pure? Kangen Water is pure water created from a company called Enagic that filters your tap water and also produces ionized alkaline and acidic waters through electrolysis. Now I know I just presented to you some heavy scientific terms—and I’m just as new to this as you are--but rest assured, this will all make sense with my interview here with one of Kangen’s distributors, Christopher Cipriano. I’m also a witness to Chris’s Kangen demo and was impressed by the visual effects of Kangen water. Interestingly enough, Kangen water can be used not only for drinking but for cooking, beauty and cleaning—both produce and your home as well.

Check out our interview below:

Who is Enagic?

Enagic is a company that started up in Japan in 1974 and has been in the U.S since 2003. Since 1974, Enagic has incorporated the latest scientific research and Japanese capability with one of nature’s resources, water. For over four decades Enagic has been the leading manufacturer of high quality water ionizer systems; Kangen (a Japanese term meaning, to return to the origin). Enagic’s pledge is to promote “True Health,” that coincides with physical, economic and mental wellness. Enagic is one of the only water purification and ionization companies that holds four certifications from the Water Quality Association (WQA) – a prestigious international not-for-profit trade association. WQA has presented Enagic with the Gold Seal – a notable award only given to the most trusted producers of quality drinking water. This in-home system has been distributed globally and are used in hundreds of thousands of homes worldwide to enable tap water to be more hydrogen rich and electrolyzed reduced (alkaline), drinking water. As quoted from Enagic’s CEO, Hironari Oshiro, “The human body is comprised of 70% water, it is no exaggeration to say that the basis of vitality and long life is water.”

How Healthy is Tap/Bottled Water?

Water is regulated by different agencies: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, administers the quality of water that comes out of your tap, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ensures the safety and truthful labeling of bottled water sold nationally. States are accountable for regulating water that is both packaged and sold within its borders. According to the NRDC, National Resource Defense Council (NYC based non-profit international environmental advocacy group), the federal government does not require bottled water to be safer than tap. Tap water in most big cities must be disinfected, filtered to remove pathogens and tested for other harmful elements. NRDC states that bottled water doesn’t have to be. (The NRDC works with federal and state environmental agencies, congress and courts to aid in reducing global warming, limit pollution and conserve energy).

In an article “The Truth About Tap,” from the of January 2016, both tap and bottled water are tested regularly for bacteria synthetic organic chemicals, but the city tap is assessed much more frequently. Bottled water plants test for coliform bacteria just once a week whereas city tap needs to be tested 100 or more times a month. Bottled water though can be at a slight advantage against tap water regarding lead—older homes have lead pipes, NRDC reveals that EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), standard for tap water is less strict—one third of the FDA’s standard for lead in bottled water.

Tap water would seem to be a healthier option than grabbing the highly fructose corn syrup drinks and the bajillion calorie ones as well, but according to the Environmental Working Group, there have been 315 pollutants found in America’s tap water since 2004.

Over half of these pollutants are unregulated and can legally exist in various amounts. The NRDC reveals that bottled water is not necessarily healthier than tap water either and costs much more to purchase every day/week/month/year. Although it’s associated as a healthy beverage, bottled water isn’t guaranteed to be any healthier than tap water. Some bottled water though, may contain added minerals. A four year study by NRDC revealed that 1/3 of the bottled water tested contains levels of contamination which exceed allowable limits. In addition, disposal of bottled water, through the course of time is harmful to our ecosystem.

To understand further the technology and benefits of Kangen, Christopher Cipriano, a long-time friend of my family, was kind enough to share his passion and knowledge of drinking this pure water.

Andrea: Tell me about yourself.

Christopher: I 'm 22 years old. I have been an athlete my entire life. I ran track in high school. I have always loved taking care of my body, staying fit and healthy. Recently I have centered myself into self-development. I like to push myself and push others to improve themselves every day. Since I began my journey with Enagic, I have realized that we only live one life. I want to inspire others to live a full healthy life and pursue their dreams.

Andrea: How did you get involved with Enagic/Kangen water?

Christopher: It is still very hard to believe how I got involved with Enagic six months ago. No one reached out to me or introduced Kangen Water to me personally. In order to explain how I got involved I would have to go back two years ago. I was attending The College of Staten Island in New York at the time. Like most kids out of high school, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life; I wasn’t sure of what career path to take. I decided to take science classes and go down the path of becoming a physical therapist. Back in high school I needed physical therapy due to a back injury. Physical therapy helped me recover from my injury so I thought it would be a good career path for me to pursue. I wasn’t a bad student; I had good grades, I studied hard and got my work done. There was this one class however that really challenged me. The class was Anatomy and Physiology. Up to this point in college I was studying four hours before my tests, getting 90s and calling it a day. With this class however, that wasn’t possible. You needed to put in a lot of time into studying; there was a ton of information to know.

I realized that I had finished all the “basic” classes in college and I would have to start taking my studying more seriously. It was because of this class that I dropped out of college. It wasn’t that the subject wasn’t interesting, the class was just incredibly difficult and time consuming. Because of this, the idea of becoming a physical therapist died; the class was a requirement in order to get into the physical therapy program. I was lost. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and I had felt as if I had wasted two years of my life. Due to this and other personal events in my life, I was depressed for a long time. I felt lost and I didn’t know who I was anymore to some extent.

After a year of working side jobs, I realized that my life wasn’t getting any better. I wasn’t doing anything with my life that would benefit my future self. Like some people do, I started searching the internet for an answer. While searching the internet a thought randomly popped into my head; I thought about Kangen water. Growing up I remember my mom always talking about becoming an entrepreneur. Our family friends that we have known for a really long time have been involved with Enagic for 10 years. Growing up as a kid I must have heard about Kangen water and in my search to fix my problems I remembered this. That night I looked up what the water was and what made it different from everything else. I spent roughly seven hours looking up videos because I didn’t want to get involved in something I didn’t believe in. After doing my own research I decided that I wanted to get involved. Knowing what I know now, I feel obligated to share this water with everyone.

Andrea: When did you start selling Kangen?

Christopher: I don’t like to consider myself a salesman. Kangen water distributors are educators. In general, people are usually more concerned with the food they put into their bodies but no one ever thinks about the water they drink. Water is the most important substance in the world, but not all water is the same. Just like there are unhealthy and healthy foods to eat, it’s the same with the water we drink. I got involved with Enagic on June 10th, 2016 and have been spreading awareness ever since.

Andrea: Why did Kangen interest you?

Christopher: After looking into the water and learning how it affects the body, I knew that this was something I wanted to get involved into. I have always loved helping others and this water has changed so many lives. There are incredible life changing testimonials all over the web. Kangen water has helped people that have diabetes, cancer, gout, sleep apnea, arthritis, acid reflux, and many more health conditions. These systems are medical grade devices and are used in hospitals in Japan, Canada, and Asia. It is not approved by our FDA here in the United states however. I believe this is because pharmaceutical companies thrive on our sick country. Our health care system in general needs to be restructured. We are a nation in which the majority gets sick then treats the sickness with pharmaceuticals instead of taking care of our bodies to prevent sickness from developing. I want to change to that.

Andrea: What is the difference between drinking regular water and Kangen?

Christopher: When it comes to water there are 3 key properties to consider. These properties are the ph of the water, whether the water is anti-oxidizing or oxidizing, and the molecular structure of the water. Bottled water, sports drinks, and sodas are acidic in pH. The pH scale ranges from 1-14. Anything that falls below 7 is acidic and anything that is above 7 is alkaline. Soda, sports drinks and other carbonated beverages are difficult to alkalize. Soda for example is around a ph of 2.5; it is as acidic as battery acid. It takes 30 times the Kangen water to alkalize 1 cup of soda. With tap water or bottled water however, the Kangen water will alkalize it immediately.

From a health standpoint, anything acidic will cause inflammation. Back in the 1920s, it was proven by Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg that any disease, including cancer, cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Since our bodies are 70% water, drinking an alkaline water helps maintain a healthy ph balance. Our blood is always trying to maintain a ph of roughly 7.3 to 7.4, which is slightly alkaline. When we eat acidic foods, and drink acidic water, our body struggles to maintain that ph balance in our blood. There is a huge difference however in regular alkaline water compared to alkalized water. Let me explain.

You can make your water alkaline by adding chemicals to it. This is done actually for our tap water. Our tap water is filled with chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride and lye. The lye in our tap water supply makes the water alkaline so that the pipes don’t rust. The water is alkaline, but it is made alkaline due to harmful chemicals. Kangen water is alkalized water. It becomes alkaline through the process of ionization. The water is charged making it have a higher alkalinity without any harmful chemicals being added to it.

Oxidation is the biological rusting process of the body.

Our bodies oxidize from the food we eat, the air we breathe, from stress, and also from the liquids we drink. You can speed up the oxidation process by abusing alcohol, abusing drugs and living an unhealthy lifestyle. You can slow down oxidation by taking anti-oxidants. Some examples of anti-oxidants are vitamin C, green tea, and cod liver oil. Restructured water, Kangen water, has anti-oxidant properties. Bottled water, sports drinks, and sodas do not have anti-oxidizing properties; they promote oxidation.

The oxidation reduction potential, (orp), can be tested using an orp meter. If the orp reads negative that means it has anti-oxidizing properties. If the orp reads positive that means it has oxidizing properties. Bottled water reads from +200-+300, tap water reads around +300 and soda, and sports drinks read around +400. Nothing oxidizes you more than soda. Soda is literally poison to the body. Vitamin C reads around -50, green tea reads around -100, cod liver oil reads around -200. Kangen water reads from -400 all the way up to -800. It would take 5 pounds of blue berries to get the same anti-oxidant benefits of 2 glasses of Kangen water. Since the Kangen water is a super anti-oxidant, drinking this water helps fight free radical damage in the body.

Drinking a lot of water tends to make people feel bloated and full. The reason this happens is because the molecular structure of regular water is too large for your cells to absorb completely. On a cellular level your cells can only handle 5-7 molecules. Tap water and bottled water have 15-26 molecules in structure, making it too large for the cell to handle. Kangen water is micro-clustered, meaning the molecule size is restructured. Kangen waters’ molecular clusters only consists of 5-7 molecules which allows this water to get absorbed fully. Kangen water hydrates you 4x faster than any other liquid substance. Kangen water can fully hydrate your cells, giving you a healthy cell and a healthy body.

Andrea: Please explain the mechanics of the Kangen machine and how the water is filtered.

Christopher: There are 2 requirements for the system to work. One, you need a cold water line, which could be your tap water from your sink and two, an electrical power supply (an outlet). First, the water will go through a double carbon, anti-bacterial filter. This sterilizes the water and cleans the water. After that, the water passes through 7 electrically charged platinum coated titanium plates. This charges the water and splits the water into its alkaline and acidic components. The alkaline water comes out of the top hose, while the acidic water comes out of the bottom hose. The system is designed to last for twenty-five years. This is because there are no moving parts. The system takes little to no maintenance to clean. The system self-cleans on a daily basis. The system comes with cleaning packets however to do a deep cleaning. You can do this 1 or 2 times a year. The filter lasts up to 1500 gallons. An average household of 4 replaces a filter once a year.

Andrea: Please explain the process of setting up Kangen machine in your home.

Christopher: The system can be installed within 10-15 minutes. The system simply gets attached to your faucet with a couple of pieces that are provided. You can choose whether the water passes through the machine or comes out the faucet. This is a simple installation. However, for some people, my dad for example, doesn’t like to have things on the counter. We have setups that can be placed under the counter as well for people that like having counter space. I only recommend this installation for those that don’t travel a lot or that plan on staying in that home. The great thing about having a regular system that sits on the counter is that you can easily uninstall it and take it with you if you move or go on vacation for example.

Andrea: What are the health benefits drinking Kangen?

Christopher: Drinking the Kangen water will improve your overall health. Since the water is micro-clustered the water is able to detoxify your body. When drinking the Kangen water you might notice that you will sleep better. This is because the water hydrates your brain and your brain produces melatonin; melatonin helps you sleep.. Drinking Kangen water on a daily basis will allow your body to produce more serotonin, which will give you more energy.

Andrea: What are the statistics showing how many homes have Kangen? What are your projected sales?

Christopher: My family friend Romi Verdera has been doing this for over ten years and is one of the pioneers of this industry. The statistics I have available to me are 70% of the company’s sales. We were at 4,000 sales per month in 2010. We are now over 14,000 sales per month and projected to reach 20,000 by the end of the year. This is only 70% of what the company has achieved however. The reason why we have had this success is because of true health. In the U.S I'm unaware of how many homes have this technology but in Japan it is known that 1 in every 5 homes owns a Kangen water system.

Christopher: I see this technology being in everyone's home. Just like the computer is in every home and our cell phones are in our pockets, Kangen machines will be the next "have to have" technology in our households. The numbers are showing that. This is a system that everyone needs in their life. Not only will this system provide you with medical grade water that will improve your over-all health, but it will also save you money. Bottled water is expensive, and so is health insurance. Also, bottled water is extremely harmful for the environment. Having one of these systems will eliminate bottled water from the equation. We can stop using resources to make plastic containers that are harmful for our bodies and harmful for our environment.

It truly is encouraging to see someone of Christopher's age wholeheartedly wanting to commit to a healthier lifestyle and be willing to share his experience and knowledge with others. I was able to see his demonstrations using Kangen water. First and foremost, the taste of the water definitely has a lighter, cleaner, fresher taste. Some visual results--and I will be real here--before drinking the water, I had a pimple forming on my chin. Usually, for me, it takes a while for an occasional pimple that pops up--to clear up. However, after drinking a glass of Kangen water I noticed that night--it vanished! It was enlightening to witness Christopher demonstrate acidic demos of certain beverages as opposed to using Kangen water. Also it was an eye-opener to notice the real dirt and muck that is removed from lettuce for example, when cleaned with Kangen water!

Some other interesting facts about the machine; you can use different pH levels for different purposes. Using Kangen Water -pH 8.5-9.5 = drinking, food preparation, coffee and tea, soups and stews and plants. Strong Kangen Water - pH 11.0 = food preparation, cleaning, stain removal and dishes. Neutral Water - pH 7.0 = baby food and medication. Acidic Water (slightly acidic for astringent effects) - pH 4.0-6.0 = face washing, air care, polishing, cleaning. Strong Acidic Water - pH 2.7 = Cleaning and disinfecting, hygiene, commercial operation.

For more information on using/purchasing a Kangen Machine in your home, you can contact Christopher Cipriano at: 718-650-1282 and also via his website:

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