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Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

A lot of people say they’re very fearful of going to the dentist. I think that’s because there are so many things that could be wrong, and that scares people. According to a study on WebMD, Between 5% and 8% of Americans avoid dentists out of fear, estimates Peter Milgrom, DDS, director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington in Seattle and author of Treating Fearful Dental Patients. A higher percentage, perhaps 20%, experiences enough anxiety that they will go to the dentist only when absolutely necessary, Milgrom tells WebMD.

It’s something we put off, but I think it’s very important to go to the dentist, because you may be able to prevent more serious things from happening.

A lady told me recently that because she didn’t take care of her cavities, She had to get her teeth pulled (Oh no, not me.)

First off, you have to find a dentist with whom you feel comfortable with. If they get snappy or impatient with you when doing a cleaning, or procedure, they may not be the one for you.

They say to see a dentist every six months. If you take care of your teeth, you have less to worry about.

Today I asked my dentist how I could prevent cavities, and she said less sugar and more brushing. I think we sometimes think we are invincible but it’s important to be conscious of what we put in our bodies and how we take care of our teeth.

Also, if you’re getting a filling or tooth pulled, bring someone along with you for moral support.

Remember how good you’ll feel when you leave that dentist’s office and you’ve crossed that task off your list. Next time will hopefully be a cinch.

It’s important that you work with your dentist. Be honest with them. Today when I was getting a filling, I alerted my dentist of discomfort I was feeling, and she was accommodating.

I don’t LOVE the dentist, but I feel good knowing that I went.

The Dentist is there to perfect your smile, which is one of the best attributes we have.

Looking back, I have a lifetime of memories that include the dentist. From cleanings, to getting teeth pulled to wearing braces for years, the dentist has always been in my life.

I keep up with the dentist the same way I take care of my physical and emotional health.

I do get nervous when they tell me I have to have a cavity filled but I try to remain calm and know that it’ll be over with soon.

I recently had been experiencing sensitivity in my gums and I was afraid to go to the dentist because I thought I might have gum disease but it wasn’t that serious.

I also had to get a wisdom tooth taken out and I was really scared but I didn’t end up feeling a thing

My favorite part of visiting the dentist is getting a little goody bag at the end with a free toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss.

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