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Distractions in Our Hands

Back in February, I discussed the hazards of texting and walking at the same time and the “in your face” rudeness it sometimes poses. This article you might find is a follow-up to it, but to a different level. The world more than ever has become so technologically based, that it has definitely distracted some of us from tuning into our inner self. Don’t get me wrong, I do surf the internet and look at my e-reader sometimes. However, one night while on the bus, I picked my head up, and noticed a sea of glowing screen lights all around me, including on the bus riding next to me on the highway! I never thought that with all this illuminating light at night, that it would actually frighten me! All the tablets, cell phones and other gadgets we hold in our hands has become a portal for distraction.

Everyone is distracted by the latest technological advancements—the newest phone that can do everything for you besides making your lunch, viewing TV shows on your watch, checking the latest gossip – “who’s wearing what” on glammed-up sites constantly. It’s scary how you don’t even see that many people actually holding a book in their hands anymore—it’s mostly digital. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with all of this---to a point--it’s incredible that we have all advanced to different possibilities in experiencing life, and as an author, to reach my audience also through e-books is an interesting way to connect. My concern is that not enough of us, take a break from technology. There has to be some kind of balance/moderation. I sometimes feel that some people have become too robotic with it and that might be why we find that consideration from others or simple common courtesy has become outdated now. It definitely needs a reboot! All this technology in some hands has to a degree, distracted people from truly “feeling” or “being in the moment” to becoming more “flashy” or “too trendy.”

I must admit, there are days I wish I could take a month off from social media. After a while, it gets crazy when you see some people constantly giving you the play-by-play of their lives or some people becoming too free with their opinions that it sparks friendships to end. You just want that privacy back again and to not need to post everything all the time. However, I do love to connect with my readers and clients through social media to let them know when my events are popping up for them to attend and experience healing or an uplifting moment. So it’s definitely one of those things where you have to find that healthy boundary or balance within all this. There is a time and a place for everything. When I want to take a holiday from technology, I like to do the following activities (and not in any particular order):

• Paint • Write • Walk in the park • Read • Listen to music • Dance • Go to the beach • Conduct Angel Readings • Hang out with friends • Travel with my husband • Write letters or send out cards to relatives • Nap • Sit by the pool • Complete word searches • Visit museums • Watch movies • Throw a Frisbee on the beach • Play Badminton • See a Broadway play • Go to concerts • See a ball game • Go to the gym • Yoga • Bake • Cook • Go to Comedy Clubs • Or do absolutely NOTHING!!!!

So my list here is just some of the things I like to do and I’m sure you can find tons more! The point of all this is to help us check into simplicity once in a while and allow ourselves that time to remember who we are and what we truly can experience. To energetically heal ourselves, help us explore the more important things in life. I invite you all to take a break from time-to-time. What will you discover?

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