Top 10 Turn-on's For Women
1. That sexy subtle confidence
Don’t you just hate it when guys are just way too confident for no apparent reason; borderline passive aggressive? There’s nothing like an undeniably confident man that is super secure with himself and doesn’t have to brag and boast referral

2. Mr. personality
There’s nothing more that gets my spine tingling than the beautiful God sent a man with a personality that is sure to melt your heart. This guy talks to just about anyone and is well respected by others.

3. A Killer Ensemble
The sexiness of a man that can put together an ensemble is a privilege that unfortunately not many are blessed with. Womp! Not too tight or too loose; I’m talking well-tailored crisp white collared shirts and pants with the seam. Ugh, amazingness!

4. Spur of the Moment Kind of Guy
There’s nothing worse than a guy who needs advanced notice for a spur of the moment ice-cream date. I get that we all live busy lives but there needs to be time for the spontaneous moments. Like seriously, who plans to have sex on the beach? Just go with the flow and be down for whatever whenever.

5. Always Smiling and Laughing
Let’s face it, that chronic resting bitch face is the biggest turn off ever. Get your head out of your ass and live a little.I’m totally head over heels over for the man that has a sense of humor and doesn’t take himself or anything, too seriously. Laughter is truly the best medicine and nothing is more exciting than a man that is always smiling and laughing even through the difficult times.

6. Smell Good, Alwaysssss!
Rule number 1: always smell good. I dated a guy once that just refused to wear cologne. On occasion when he did, it was some ancient spice cologne that was handed down from his grandfather. I must have died a thousand deaths. Love really makes you deal with outrageous shit. There’s nothing like a fresh scent of gain detergent on your clothes and great cologne! Just lean in and smell his neck and that’ll determine if he’s a keeper.

7. Be a MAN about it
There is nothing sexier than a man that can assert power. Don’t get this confused with mental or physical abuse; I don’t support any form of abuse. What I’m referring to here is being the decision maker when I’m a bit indecisive, suggesting or planning dates (or attempting to) and standing up for me when necessary. Not only will I appreciate you filling in when I need you, but I’ll also recognize that you are confident, strong, secure and ill love that shit.

8. Optimistic in Any Situation
It takes a lot to be a positive person all of the time but when a person is open to the possibilities and remains optimistic in any situation, whether good or bad is sure to score major points with me. There’s nothing more of a turn off than a negative person; seeing the positive in everything is important.

9. Fresh out the shower
That moment he steps out of the steamy hot shower with water dripping down his pecks. Towel wrapped tightly around his waist, makes it so hard to resist.

10. When you spontaneously show affection
Whether they come up behind us to give us a hug and wrap their arms around us, or a shoulder massage when we’re sitting distracted, or when they try to inconspicuously slap your ass when you walk past, or when he unexpectedly show us physical affection, it makes us feel desired. And that makes us desire you (at least most of the time).