How to Stay Organized With a Hectic Schedule (Sponsored Post)
*** The products featured in this post are from an affiliate site***

When you go to a job interview, 9 times out of 10 they’ll ask you what your strengths and weaknesses are. My strengths are being able to multi-task and work well under pressure. My weakness, however, would be organization. It’s something that I’m working on. |
My schedule lately is INSANE; manageable, but insane. I work two jobs, I freelance for numerous sites, I run a website, and I still need to find time to be a bad-ass wife and dog-mom. Oh, and I just was offered a ghost writing position. I make my own head spin.
When you’re pressed for time and have a lot of deadlines coming up, it can be very easy to become forgetful. Thankfully, I came across these amazing products from FranklinPlanner to help make my daily life a lot easier!
1. Organizational Notebook | Keeping it old school
My friends laugh at my because I just recently purchased this organizational notebook. Yes, I still put events into my Google Calendar to send me reminders. But for some reason, I seem to remember things more when they are handwritten. I like to keep things old school. I love this style and that is says "write". It's extremely versatile being that it's on the smaller size, yet it's not too small that I can't fit any notes on it. You can purchase one here:
2. Stylus Pens | Write with style
Stylus pens are hot right now especially if you're like me and you basically live on social media. Being that I run a website, I carry my iPad with me every single day. If I'm offered any freelance gigs and need to sign a contract ASAP, having my stylus with me makes things 100 times easier to do so. It's also convenient when I have a thought in my mind and want to write it down before I forget it. Get your own stylus pen here:
3. Travel Tote | The Holy Grail of keeping EVERYTHING together
Like I said, I'm on the go A LOT! The last thing I want to do is have to carry every little thing I need throughout the day. But I also don't want to carry something that is going to be uncomfortable. This tote bag is not only practical, it's pretty snazzy looking too if I do say so myself. I'm able to fit my iPad, portfolio, my schedule notebook, phone, and all my other personal belongings. It also looks nice when I head into any meetings I may have in NYC. Buy one for yourself here:
4. Grocery List | Trying to keep it organized at home too
My lovely husband has the tenancy to finish something and then not tell me we need more of what was finished. And I usually do not realize we are out of whatever it is until I need whatever we are missing. In order to help alleviate some of that confusion, we have decided to start a grocery list that is conveniently located on our fridge. This way, when one of us (my husband) finishes something, we simply add it to our list that way it won't be forgotten. LOVE THIS! Pick one up here:
Scheduling Up-coming Events
We're kicking it old school again with an actual calendar and not one on your mobile device. I am literally obsessed with penciling in events and it really helps me when I am swamped and need to stay on task. FranklinPlanner has the cutest calendars to choose from. This one here is my favorite: