Appreciating Blessings in Disguise
Have you ever....
• Planned something in such great detail from A - Z, that somewhere down the road, half your plans fall short?
• Lost your car keys, just as you were about to leave the house, search endlessly for them, further making you late for your appointment?
• Debated countless times if you should leave your current job, to only find out you're getting let go from your employer anyway?
As annoying, time-consuming, and frustrating these three situations may feel, all three scenarios hold a unique blessings in disguise, and offer great significance's of guidance and protection for us all.
First Scenario:
When you are in the thick of planning/creating/goal developing, you can only see one way to complete the task at hand -- "your way." You’re very set on the format that you are using/creating to complete your project. So as the expression goes---when someone or something "throws a monkey wrench into it," you feel that all your plans are now sabotaged.
In reality, this is a hidden blessing in disguise. What seems like a change in plans, is rather a way for you to look at a situation differently that you may have overlooked before. New approaches, techniques that you ignored, better ideas you would not consider before, are now being presented to you. This is all part of you finishing your project/idea/goal more efficiently and it shows you how to be more flexible and adaptable in life. It allows you to look toward different resources and to release so much of a rigid control on life.
My personal experience with changed plans was during the writing of my first published book. I lost a big chunk of what I had typed on the computer. For some reason, I couldn't locate where I had saved it, and it was all new topics that had flowed out of me--so intricate, that, I couldn't remember all of the newly typed lines. As a writer, it can sometimes be challenging to get words on paper and when it does it’s a fantabulous moment. So losing parts of my book was definitely not a fun day. After freaking out with extreme panic, and then deciding to dive back into my book again, something astonishing occurred. Even though I had to retype many sections of my book, I was able to implement more detail and better structure than what I thought was originally possible.
The new parts of the book flowed so much better and I was quite thankful for it. This instance definitely taught me that this needed to happen to bring me to a more in-depth place with my writing and to devote more time toward completing the book.
Second Scenario: You’re all ready to leave your house and you believe that you pretty much have everything you need---EXCEPT THE CAR KEYS!!!! You retrace and retrace your steps, look in places that you don’t think it would typically be, and then find out, they were right in front of you—buried, kinda! At that point, you really don’t care how they got there, you just know you’ve wasted ten minutes looking for them and you're waaaay behind schedule. Driving to your appointment, you see an accident you just know freshly happened. When witnessing something like this, I’ve always felt that it was your guardian angels delaying you prior and protecting you from being involved in an accident. If you would have left on time, there’s a possibility that you could have been entangled in that mess. Take notice of what kind of matters delay you from leaving your house or your office before stepping out. This is one of the many signs your angels are protecting you from harm. When this happens, just stop, pause, say thank you to your angels and take this moment to realize how precious your life truly is. Make time for people/things that matter most in your life.
Third Scenario: It’s been "X" amount of years at your current job and you’re starting to feel that you need a change of pace. You’re drained and there’s seems to be no room for growth—you’ve hit a dead-end. You constantly debate with yourself whether you should really leave despite feeling so strongly about why you shouldn’t work there anymore. You have convos with yourself about how most of your coworkers are nice, though, and there are great office perks, but these rather are more excuses that you’re bombarding yourself with. There’s something deeper to tackle here. However, you can't seem to quiet that gut feeling that nags at you to make the necessary career change. One day, you go to work and find out, you no longer have a job!!!
Losing a job definitely is scary, stressful, isolating and overwhelming to say the least. Your mind plague’s you with questions like, "What do I do now?" "How do I pay the bills?," "Who will hire me?" “Where do I go from here?” I know firsthand how this all weighs heavy on your mind.
I was working at a job year’s back, where I felt it was time to go. I felt compelled to work somewhere else that utilized more of my skills/talents. However, I prolonged making that change for various reasons, and sure enough, the company I worked for had to let me go due to changes within management. This moment in time showed me that the Universe will bring you exactly where you need to be and deliver to you, changes that you need to make---if you don't react on it sooner, yourself. I was meant to leave that job, but didn't take the opportunity quick enough on my own, so the Universe led me there instead—more abruptly, to get my attention! So when you lose a job—it’s normal to feel lost, angry, let down, however, we have to take those emotions and turn it all into strengths--- opportunities on how to improve our lives and do what is truly meant for us.
Remember, when something unexpected happens, or when you feel that you may be, off course, ask yourself, "What is the hidden blessing in this situation for me?" "What new opportunities will now present itself to me?" "What will I now learn from all of this?"
Repeat to yourself, "I Appreciate All My Blessings in Disguise." When you add this mantra into your daily life, it will help you embrace more of the good that surrounds you, and eliminate the negativity that permits you to live your life limited.
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