How to Stay Merry & Bright During The Holidays
If you’re like me, you make lists for everything to keep you in check with what needs to get done—especially around the holidays. There’s your holiday card list, gift list, party guest list, food shopping list—but where’s the list for keeping your sanity through it all? Where’s that check sheet for balancing your emotions? The holidays, though--so loving and comforting, can also come with a ton of stress from your “to do” list and family interactions. This week, I’ll discuss how you can stay as centered as possible as you’re prepping for the holidays and spending time with family.
Take a Deep Breath:
Whether you’re in a rush to shop, or trying to just speed through the holidays to get it over with—neither way is going to bring you the peace of mind you seek. You must come to terms with knowing that you can only get so much done in one day – and be willing to embrace that literally. Do what’s priority on your list first and tackle things little by little. If you try to chunk everything at once, that’s when you’ll start to get overwhelmed. It’s okay if there’s more items on your list to yet complete—relish in the thought that the one or two things that you did get done—is a lot better than not getting anything done at all. It’s all in how you perceive your situation and how you want to look at things—being pessimistic or optimistic? Which will feel better to choose?
Learn How to Say "NO!"
A lot of you, myself included, sometimes have a hard time saying no to people because you want to be as helpful as you can and try to do it all. If your plate is getting too full with prior commitments or your weekend is packed as it is—it’s okay to say no to something you can’t commit too. You shouldn’t feel pressured/obligated to do something if you mentally, physically or emotionally are not up to it. For instance, if you’re always the one that hosts holiday parties and you’re just not in that mode to do so—give yourself that freedom and explain to your family/friends what your situation is. Perhaps you had a rough year or there’s just too many things happening in December besides the holidays, that permits you to plan or even attend a party. It’s perfectly normal to step back and give yourself a break from it. Respectfully declining anything, puts less stress on your mind if it's something you can't juggle in your schedule now.
Secret Santa:
Money can be very tight right now—especially if you have little ones at home or other family functions going on during the holidays like weddings or showers. To make it easier on your wallet, instead of buying everyone a gift, set up an arrangement where everyone is paired up with a Secret Santa. This way you are only responsible for buying one gift and you can set a price limit as well that’s friendly to your bank account. Or another option would be to just exchange baked goods like cookies or cake instead of purchasing materialistic items. You could also make your gifts, for example in a craft store--that you know you can also control the price range in a different way. You can even go a step further and combine the "learning how to say no" tip, and just be honest with your family and friends and let them know that you can't exchange this year. If your family and friends truly understand you, they'll be supportive and know why you need to handle things differently this year. Maybe just exchange and buy gifts for the children in the family and not the adults--another option to consider.
Agree to Disagree:
We all have that one, two, three, or four--family members that cause chaos during the holidays, that make us question “why do we invite him/her every year?” It just is what it is, and the more you stress about it, the more the situation gets crazy. There are some occurrences we just have no handle on and there are those we can see through. We just should put on our "adult pants" and realize what battles are worth fighting for and when should just let the differences lay to the side, and be together for the sake of the holidays.
It's easier said than done, especially when you're staying up the night before having panic attacks over who you know you'll be seeing for the holidays. However, there is a way to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself. I've learned through my metaphysical studies/classes, that you can shield your energy to set the tone of the day. As an Angel Card Reader and Angelic Life Coach, I've discussed this with my clients as well and I also shield my own energy. I've noticed a complete difference on the days that I do and the days that I don't. Shielding/bubbling enables you to only let the good and positive experiences and energy into your space and eliminates any lower energies that no longer suit you. Here are the simple steps you can take to creating positive energies around you and peaceful relationship interactions. Its best to do this before you start your day--as your getting out of bed--but you can also shield yourself throughout the day -- through your mind's eye or physically doing the steps below.
First, pick your favorite color or one that you feel most comfortable with.
Envision that color as a circle of light on the ground. Step onto the light--envisioning the color is underneath your feet to ensure that the bubbling/shielding of the color will completely be under and over you.
Picture this color forming a bubble of light around you. This is your safe--protected--shielded space.
Within that bubble of light--pray to your guardian angels or simply affirm--what you want to accomplish that day or how you want to feel.
So for example--being around people we may clash with around the holidays--you may affirm/pray within your bubble of shielded light, to have the patience, loving assertiveness and the confidence to remain true to yourself and have the patience and loving assertiveness with others that you come in contact with. Affirm that only peaceful and positive people connect with you that day. You can also tailor your affirmations they way you see it to be.
Remember the holidays isn't only a time of giving presents, but a time of giving of your attention to the ones we love-- by just being there with them--laughing and creating new memories. Don't let the stress of trying to get things done make you miss out on the important things in life. Don't let anyone take away the spark within you and let you become someone you're not as well. Happy Holidays Everyone!