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6 Signs You've Found Your Soulmate

When You Finally Meet Mr. (Or Mrs.) Right. |

[Soulmate: [noun] 1. a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.]

Do you believe that definition? When you think or hear of the word 'soulmate' does that particular definition come to mind?

If someone had asked me that question five years ago, I would have simply said, "no." Not that I didn't believe in love or anything like that, I was just so used to dating guys who were always "less than" perfect, so the word soulmate never came to mind.

Today I'm singing to a different tune. And don't worry, I will try my hardest to not turn this into some sappy story. That's not how I roll. But I can tell you that once I stopped looking for that one and only "soulmate," I was able to look past all the old bullshit and find my way back to someone who truly made me happy.

I've decided to share some of my thoughts with you and put into perspective as to whether or not you have actually found your one and only soulmate:

1. You're Comfortable With Being Yourself:

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you're not comfortable around the person you're seeing, then I'm just going to suggest you run. How is that a fun life if you can't be yourself? My favorite things to do with my husband is have some champagne, (like a bottle...or 3) and sing in the car on our drives home! I could never do that with anyone else before. I'm also not very big on sharing my "feelings." I mean really, who has time for that? You're also opening up a lot of doors when you do that. Will they judge you later on if you open up to them now? If the answer is yes, then again.. run!

2. Laughter is Key:

My husband and I laugh about the most ridiculous things. We can be in the middle of an argument (Irish tempers), give each other a look, and just lose it by laughing. I also like to make a lot of stupid jokes, and the fact that Austin will laugh at them means he's a keeper, (even if it's a fake laugh).

3. Communication is on Point:

We may not always agree on everything and trust me we bicker daily over little details. But when it comes to the major decisions, how many children we want, how much do we want to save before looking into buying a home, what kind of insurance policy do we need, we are always on the same page. There is nothing worse in life than having someone constantly battle your decisions and always have the mindset that they are right. If that's happening, chances are your relationship may not work out. I hate to be so blunt about it, but life is way too short for that.

4. You Are Best Friends:

My sister laughs at me all of the time when I say it, but it's true: Austin really is my best friend. And what's the best thing about having a best friend? To me, that's not having to talk to each other 24/7, but still knowing that you're there for one another. Sometimes you just need space and quiet time and only someone who really knows you would know when you needed that time.

5. You Feel a Different Sense of Security:

And I do not mean financially, although that is always a plus! But I mean more-so just feeling safe. For example, I HATE flying. Just the thought of being on an airplane really freaks me out! However, a couple of years ago, Austin and I flew to Colorado and for some reason I didn't feel nervous at all! I was more upset that we had to leave our pup behind than I was of flying. I just feel safer for some reason, which is silly because it's not like he can prevent a plane from plummeting into the earth, but you get what I mean.

6. You Know He/She Will Make a Great Parent One Day:

This is a BIG one for me because I constantly see parents who are not involved with their children and it kills me. When I see how Austin is with kids, my ovaries literally start to flutter. He's funny, he's caring, and he's definitely protective. Well, this is how he is with the dog, so I'm assuming he'll be this way with a child too!

Finding another person who completes you isn't always easy. You have to shuffle through some bad dates in order to figure out what really works for YOU! But once you find that person, you'll forget about the old disappointments and you'll find that you're truly happy.

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