What Does 'Unconditional Love' Mean to You?
I have grown up knowing unconditional love from my family. When my mom died, my stepdad took care of me and that's just about as unconditional as it gets. He didn't have to take care of me, but he stepped up.
Also, when my mom was dying, my stepdad left his job and stood by her side, until her last breath.
Conditional love means that there are limits to the love given. Unconditional love means you’re loved no matter what. We've all had lovers and friends that have loved us conditionally had a friend that was in my life, but when I really needed her, she walked out and said my problems were too much for her
It hurts to have conditions put on a relationship. Because we are the way we are, and when someone doesn't accept you, it’s painful. But someone else will come along and love you unconditionally. For me, that’s my best friend. I have a problem with speaking and when I first met her, it was happening around her and she told me that, anytime it happened, to tell her. That made me feel so relieved, as well as loved.
People who love you conditionally may not have been exposed to unconditional love growing up, thus making it difficult for them to give it.
I am grateful that most of my family accepts me for who I am, and doesn't hold my past against me.
Because I've been a handful have had a host of mental health and drug problems and they could easily have deserted me, but they didn't.
If we want to learn to love unconditionally, we must first practice loving ourselves. Loving ourselves includes talking compassionately to ourselves, taking care of our personal hygiene, and being respectful to others, among other things. If you love yourself, you know that everyone has flaws and you’ll be more forgiving of other people.
I, myself have loved most people unconditionally. When certain family members do things I don’t agree with, I might not talk to them for a little, but I always give them the benefit of the doubt. I know that people have their flaws and I understand, so I usually let things go. I am more forgiving when it comes to family than other people in my life.
When it comes to romantic love, sometimes you must make sacrifices for the relationship to work. Like if your husband likes things organized in a certain way and you don’t, for the sake of the relationship, you might want to overlook that. It is not unconditional love if you take verbal or physical abuse
As I was writing this, I was wondering if I should give this guy I was seeing another chance. But I don't think enduring abuse is unconditional love. Sometimes you just gotta keep it moving.
Think about this for a second; who have you loved unconditionally and conditionally? Is there any person that has flaws your willing to look past? You have to decide whether it’s worth it to keep certain people in your life.