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Tips to Avoid That Dreaded January Credit Card Bill

So many times, it happens, year after year, the same thing; over spending on your Christmas Shopping! It's so easy to end up spending double or even triple what you originally planned. I've been there, I know how quickly it can happen. After moving out earlier this year there's one very important lesson that I've learned: Budgeting is VERY important! I have been putting together budgets for everything now! My grocery shopping every week, the amount of money I spend on gifts for people, the amount of money I spend on ME every month. The list goes on! Unless you're one of those people that just doesn't have to worry about money because you have plenty, you must limit yourself, especially around Christmas time.

The first step to budgeting is figuring out exactly how much money you can spend. Figure that number out and write it very large at the top of a piece of paper. After that, make your list. Write down every person's name that you will be buying a gift for. The next part is the tricky part, you need to take your budget is spread it out through that list. It's always tricky for me because I don't spend the same amount on everyone. For instance, my brother always gets a little bigger piece of the pie!

Once you have your list and your budget, the rest comes easy. The thing to remember about Christmas shopping is that it's more about the thought put into your gift than it is about the price tag. I've already started making my list and being I am on an extremely tight budget this year, Pinterest has been my go-to. This seems to be a little easier with the adults on your list and not as much for the kids. The ideas that you will find will absolutely shock you! There are so many thoughtful gifts out there that cost more time spent than money. Those are the gifts you want! Here is a great example and one of my favorites, this gift will keep giving for 365 days! The thought jar, 365 memories, song lyrics, reasons you love your partner, all wrapped up for about $5!

For the younger crowd, the Sunday paper will end up being your best friend! All the sales fliers and coupons you will need are housed inside of all that depressing news we can't help but read about. Perfect example ... my boyfriend's daughter LOVES anything arts and crafts and we all know how good Michael's is at getting those awesome 40%, 50% or even 60% off coupons in the paper every week! I just doubled my budget for her with one little 50% off coupon now! See how that works?

Here is my last piece of advice ... never blindly walk around the store shopping! Have you ever walked into Target around Christmas time, or on any given day of the year, and spent $200 when you went in there for shampoo? Who am I kidding, we've all been there! It's so easy to just shop and spend once you're in the store. So before you walk in, know what you're going in there for. If you must, leave your card in the car and just bring enough cash for what you need. I can't tell you how many times I've walked into Kohl's for one of their $15 gifts and walked out with about 10 of them. Know what you're going in there for and get out. Try to avoid all that "shopping around" as much as possible and you'll see how much you avoid spending.

When it's all said, and done, remember what Christmas is about. It's about family, and traditions and spending time together. Your sister is not going to remember that expensive sweater you bought her 5 years ago and your brother will probably wear that $400 North Face jacket 3 times! True story by the way!

Bottom line, put more thought than money into gifts this year. Your credit cards will be just as happy as your family!

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